Feb 22, 2010

Grocery Deals

Make sure you check out my Grocery Smart link to check out all the local deals. I am hoping to get to Smiths before my coupon class tomorrow night, but it is not a necessary must for me...

You can find it at the top of my blog or click HERE you just have to select your store and you can customize your shopping list to help you get your coupons organized so you can get in and out of the grocery store....

Want to learn more about the web page...??? Host a coupon class and I will help you get ready to start saving more and more....

Need newspaper subscription at a great price??? Email or Call me...

Cassie Sanderson - 801-836-5911

1 comment:

  1. Here is a great tip to reduce your grocery bill by taking advantage of grocery coupon from http://www.clickmycoupn.com/
